Tuesday 3 March 2015

To schedule or not to schedule?


I've just read the above article and pondering this research; I'm not sure if it's completely empirical, but certainly intriguing. When I had Noah, I bought quite a few baby books; one Gina Ford one and a few other baby 'guidebooks'. However, I soon felt like I was trying to fit a round peg into a square hole, especially with Gina Ford's highly structured approach. 

My baby wanted to feed to his own schedule, he didn't nap when the books said he should do,  he didn't feed when they said he should. I then realised that this was because he hadn't read the book, he couldn't read!

I followed his lead, fed him when he was hungry, allowed him to nap when he was tired and that worked for us. Scheduling just didn't appeal. It certainly isn't my personal style. 

Second time round, I had a very flexible approach; I spent the majority of the first week with Isaac attached to me feeding. He needed that and was thriving. He slept when he was tired, fed when he was hungry and cuddled when he needed to be soothed and that seemed to work for us. Happy and relaxed baby who is well rested and always has a smile on his face. Even at 8 months, I continue to follow his lead. It works for us! 

However, I know that lots of parents choose to schedule. Personally, I'd hate to be so regimented, but if it works for them, then good for them. They're the expert in their own child, not me!

As my boys are still young, I'm not sure if it'll have an impact upon their education. However, that's a whole other debate with lots of other factors to consider; quality of care and education, provision of support, not to mention genetics, parental involvement etc.

With regards to being a parent who is more exhausted and grumpy, I'm sure that all parents can relate to that at some point. Getting by during growth spurts is exhausting, but to see your child growing and developing is an absolute pleasure. However, I'm not sure if my husband would agree that I'm more exhausted or grumpy since having the boys and feeding on demand; if he made remarks like this, I'd likely bite his head off anyway...


  1. My first found her own 3 hour schedule my second and third just went with the flow and I followed them, a relaxed mummy makes for a relaxed baby. All my babies have been bright as buttons so far so I can't see any difference but then I suppose time will tell

  2. So true. I think that every mum knows her own babies and needs to respond to their needs in the way she sees fit. I'm all for reading the baby, not the book though!

  3. I didn't schedule at all with my first two children - I am very much a free range parent. However with my youngest it just sort of happened - we got into a great routine where her would go down for a 2.5 hour nap every afternoon!

  4. 2.5 hour nap? Impressive! I don't think we've ever had that!

  5. I try to follow a loose sleep schedule with both of mine... Although not until around 3 months but fed on demand.

  6. I'm not a mum so I haven't a clue but I know mothers who schedule and ones that don't. I think I would personally try to get my children into a routine (when I have them) but i think its important to be flexible too because life doesnt always fall into set patterns xxx
