1. You might currently think of yourself as a yummy mummy, occasionally get your hair and nails done. Scrap that, chop those nails, invest in an array of hair pins and bobbles and dry shampoo (yeah, 3 day old unwashed hair is acceptable now!)
2. You've recently gone back into trendy and 'unmumsy' clothes, now during your second pregnancy, wear your maternity clothes; but keep them-with the volume of cake and biscuits you'll eat (to save your sanity!) you'll not likely get back into your normal clothes for a long time.
3. Other people's bodily fluids on your clothes, don't worry, a quick once over with a baby wipe is sufficient. Anyway, nobody will know whether it's shit stains or chocolate and neither will you, until you lick it...
4. You think you're tired now, wait until you've got 2! A toddler running, jumping, thinking he can fly and a tiny baby who needs assistance with their every need. You'll find yourself using phrases that you never thought would escape your mouth, "don't hit your brother with broccoli and stop rubbing your bum on him..."
5. Tantrums from a toddler are inevitable and it's best to try to spot them and intervene before they become out of hand. A great tool for this is chocolate, or crisps or any other junk that'll stop them speaking for 5 minutes whilst you're feeding/burping/changing baby number 2.
6. You'll see your husband/partner in a completely different way. Delegate to them some of the jobs you'd like them to do, whether it be toddler's bedtime, getting up early and letting you have another hour in bed etc. however, remember to praise your husband/partner, he's just an overgrown boy who needs a pat on the back when he's been 'very helpful' too! Reward him with a beer or some chocolate every now and again to keep him sweet and sing his praises to your family.
And finally...
7. You'll never know love like this; when you see your two children interacting, showing joy and love for each other, your heart will melt every time and you'll forget that he's dug up your plant and told his sibling that it's salad/wiped his own faeces on your carpet/drawn on the door and blamed his baby brother or sister/wrecked your living room with a trail of toys... HAPPY PARENTING MUM OF 2!